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全國咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 0373-5756788

返回列表 來(lái)源: 藍海環(huán)境科技 發(fā)布日期: 2020-08-21

設備簡(jiǎn)介/Equipment introduction:



    The PAM automatic dosing system is a complete set of equipment with dosing, mixing, liquid delivery, automatic control which is widely used in the raw water of the power plant, the water supply of the boiler, the oil ground gathering and dewatering process system, various dosing system of petroleum chemical and wastewater treatment system, such as dosing the coagulant, phosphate, ammonia, lime water, corrosion inhibitor, scale inhibitor, bactericide and algaecide and so on.




    The device is a continuous dosing system that can automatically configure the powder polymer flocculation agent. Dry powder flocculants go into the pre-mixer through the screw propeller to pre-mix with water, wetted material goes into a mixing tank for dilution to the required solution concentration; the prepared solution goes into the storage tank through the mixing tank and the curing tank, when the storage tank liquid level is at high level, the preparation process automatically stops, when the solution liquid level decreases to the middle level, the preparation process restarts. Mixers are equipped inside the mixing tank and the curing tank to ensure a full dilution and curing of the flocculant. When the system generates alarm, it proves a need to check and repair some part inside the system. The liquid flocculant is directly added into the mixing tank by the screw pump .In the process of preparation, the amount of flocculant is constant while water is added according to the proportion or (the water amount is constant, flocculating agent is added according to the proportion). In order to ensure the  solution concentration unchanged during the whole process, the prepared solution goes into the dosing pump trough the storage tank, then pumped into the flow meter by the dosing pump for inline dilution, and then into a pipeline mixer to realize the flocculation effect. Dosing device can be designed according to user's different processes requirements and configure necessary components to realize automatic remote control function etc.




    2.系統穩定可靠,有故障時(shí)相關(guān)設備會(huì )自動(dòng)按要求停止,同時(shí)發(fā)出聲光報警。 









    1.High degree of automation, PLC control  system, simple and  convenient operation. 

    2.The system is stable and reliable, fault related equipment will stop automatically according to the requirements and give out sound and light alarm.

    3.Using single screw feeder to dose powder, speed can be controlled to  ensure uniformly and dispersion  dosing.

    4.Under the production volume required and continuous liquid dosing conditions, guarantee the curing time of the prepared solution at about 1 hour. The prepared concentration is of 0.1%--0.3%. 

    5.The box body is made of stainless steel material, good corrosion resistance and nice. 

    6. Using the three tank overflow type solution operations, which makes the equipment simple in structure, small volume, convenient in installation and applicable in the process of dissolving and continuous reagent addition. 

    7.The mixer adopts multilevel special paddle structure design. 

    8.The pre-mixer accelerates the powder hydration, the water flow can be adjustable. 

    9.The dry powder addition volume changes with the water flow to maintain a constant concentration.
